Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)
- Produk apa saja yang tersedia?
- Kami menyediakan berbagai macam bahan baku Food Services dan Refrigeration Machine.
- Kategori bahan baku food services apa saja yang tersedia?
- Kategori tersebut meliputi AMF, pure butter oil, butter, butter blend, lactic butter, butter sheet, margarine sheet, mozzarella, natural cheese, processed cheese, premix flour, wheat flour, dairy powder, bread improver, yeast, cocoa powder, raisin, almond, evaporated milk, yoghurt, pasta, oil, herbs, teas, spices, savoury product, dessert, dan syrup sauce
- Apa saja brand produk yang saat ini ada?
- Culina Hikaru, NZMP, Corman, Cheesy, Emborg, Nippn, Rafael Salgado, dairygold, Lurmark, Bungasari, Bensdrop, RVB, Lemnos, Bruggeman, Royal VIVBusman, Bakerstar, Golden Churn, Cow Brand, Alba, Arla, Darigold, Synlait, DMK Ingredients, Victoria, Sultana, Lion Thompson, Blue Diamond, Pastaricco, Malta, Twinings, Cantina, Greci, Kent, Starcool.
- Apakah produk pasti original?
- Ya, kami menjamin 100% produk pasti original dengan kualitas baik.
- Apakah harga dari setiap produk dapat ditawar?
- Mohon maaf harga yang tertera dari setiap produk sudah fix mengacu kepada ketentuan yang berlaku. Namun tidak perlu khawatir, untuk pembelian dalam jumlah banyak ada harga spesial.
- Untuk produk dengan syarat penyimpanan pada suhu rendah apakah saat diterima dapat dipastikan masih dalam kondisi suhu yang ditentukan?
- Dalam proses logistik pengiriman barang kami sudah memiliki armada frozen truck sehingga tidak perlu khawatir produk akan rusak saat diterima. Namun, untuk daerah yang tidak dapat diakses oleh frozen truck kami akan tetap mengupayakan menjaga produk tersebut di dalam styrofoam box..
- Di mana saya dapat mengetahui bahwa produk yang dipesan sudah halal?
- Sistem seleksi pengadaan barang kami sudah dipastikan semua produk teregistrasi Halal baik dalam maupun luar negeri.
- What products are available?
- We provide various kinds of Food Services and Refrigeration Machine raw ingredient.
- What food services raw ingredient category products are available?
- The category involve AMF, pure butter oil, butter, butter blend, lactic butter, butter sheet, margarine sheet, mozzarella, natural cheese, processed cheese, premix flour, wheat flour, dairy powder, bread improver, yeast, cocoa powder, raisin, almond, evaporated milk, yoghurt, pasta, oil, herbs, teas, spices, savoury product, dessert, and syrup sauce.
- What product brands currently exist?
- Culina Hikaru, NZMP, Corman, Cheesy, Emborg, Nippn, Rafael Salgado, Dairygold, Lurmark, Bungasari, Bensdrop, RVB, Lemnos, Bruggeman, Royal VIVBusman, Bakerstar, Golden Churn, Cow Brand, Alba, Arla, Darigold, Synlait, DMK Ingredients, Victoria, Sultana, Lion Thompson, Blue Diamond, Pastaricco, Malta, Twinings, Cantina, Greci, Kent, Starcool.
- Is the products definitely original?
- Yes, we guarantee the products are 100% original with fine quality.
- Is the price of each product are negotiable?
- The price of each product is the agreed fixed price refers to applicable provision. But there is a special price for bulk purchase.
- For products with storage conditions at low temperatures, can it be ensured when received that they are still in the specified temperature conditions?
- In the logistics process of delivering goods, we already have frozen truck fleet, so no need to worry about the product ruined when received. However, for inaccessible areas by frozen trucks, we strive to maintain the product in a styrofoam box.
- Where can I find out if the product I ordered is halal?
- Our products procurement selection system has ensured that all products are registered Halal both domestic and abroad.
Purchase Order Guidelines
- Bagaimana prosedur pemesanan produk, pembayaran, serta pengiriman?
- Silakan dapat mengecek halaman Conditions of Purchase dengan cara klik di sini.
- Apakah melayani pemesanan secara grosir dan eceran?
- Ya, kami melayani penjualan produk baik dalam jumlah banyak maupun eceran. Namun, tidak semua produk dapat dipesan secara eceran.
- Bagaimana jika produk yang diterima ternyata tidak sesuai dari sisi jumlah dan kualitas?
- Saat serah terima barang, kami selalu menyertakan surat tanda terima yang di dalamnya terinci nama produk serta jumlahnya. Sebelum barang diterima, customer mohon melakukan pengecekan secara langsung di depan petugas yang melayani pembelian dan jika sudah sesuai dapat melakukan konfirmasi dengan cara menandatangani surat. Mohon maaf, komplain setelah penandatanganan tanda terima tidak kami layani sehingga mohon dipastikan sebelum proses serah terima produk dicek secara baik sehingga jika ada ketidaksesuaian dapat dicek bersama.
- Dapatkah saya melakukan retur dari produk yang sudah dipesan?
- Mengenai retur dapat mengecek syarat dan ketentuan return di sini.
- Bagaimana jika produk yang saya pesan ternyata tidak tersedia?
- Kami akan selalu mengupayakan agar ketersediaan produk di gudang stoknya tetap ada yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer regular yang memesan barang secara rutin. Namun, jika ternyata produsen barang tersebut ada sesuatu hal yang menyebabkan distribusi produk menjadi terhambat anda tetap bisa memesannya secara pre order. Beri tahu kami berapa banyak kebutuhan akan produk tersebut sehingga saat kembali tersedia anda menjadi yang paling pertama untuk kami kirimkan barangnya
- Dalam menjalankan B2B (Business-to-business) siapa sajakah mitra dari PT. Culina Gemilang Indonesia?
- Saat ini beberapa mitra dari perusahaan kami yaitu berasal dari kategori industri makanan, modern bakery, restoran katering, special outlet, hotel, industri rumahan, online reseller, dan toko bahan kue.
- Bisakah melakukan pembelian langsung datang ke gudang?
- Disarankan tidak langsung datang ke gudang, namun pertama – tama melakukan pemesanan melalui tim sales atau call center kami via email, telepon, atau WhatsApp. Setelah dilakukan ketersediaan stok produk dan transaksi pembayaran, barang dapat diantar ke alamat anda atau melakukan pick up di gudang.
- Dapatkah saya melakukan pemesanan secara kolektif dengan alamat pengiriman barang yang berbeda – beda?
- Ya, anda tetap bisa melakukan pemesanan barang meskipun dengan alamat pengiriman yang berbeda – beda. Kami akan melakukan penyesuaian terhadap waktu pengiriman dan ketentuan yang terkait dengan ongkos pengiriman.
- Perusahaan saya sudah memiliki ketentuan khusus mengenai vendor termasuk jadwal transaksi pembayaran. Bisakah barang pesanan saya dikirim terlebih dulu dengan pembayaran setelahnya?
- Ya, bisa. Setelah melakukan transaksi COD (Cash on Delivery) ataupun CBD (Cash Before Delivery) selama periode waktu yang ditentukan, Anda dapat mengajukan limit jumlah maksimal pembelanjaan melalui tim sales kami menyesuaikan dengan ketentuan tenggat waktu pembayaran yang sudah disepakati bersama.
- How is the procedure of product ordering, payment, and delivery?
- Please check the Conditions of Purchase page by clicking here.
- Do you serve wholesale and retail orders?
- Yes, we serve product sales both in bulk and retail. However, not all products can be ordered retail.
- What if the product received is not in accordance in terms of quantity and quality?
- When handing over goods, we always include a receipt which includes the product name and quantity. Before the goods are received, we ask the customer to check directly in front of the purchasing officer and if it fits, the customer can confirm it by signing the receipt. We are sorry, we do not accept complaints after the receipt signed, so please making sure to checked properly before the handover process, so that if there is a discrepancy, it can be checked together.
- Can I do a purchase return of an ordered product?
- Regarding purchase return, please check the return terms and conditions here.
- What if the product I ordered is unavailable?
- We will always making sure that the products availability in the warehouse is in stock, which is adjusted to the needs of regular customers who order goods regularly. However, if it turns out that something has affects the goods producer and causes the product distribution is hampered, you can still order it by pre-order. Tell us how much the product you need, so that when it’s back in stock, you’ll be the first one we send the item to.
- In running B2B (Business-to-business), who are the partners of PT. Culina Gemilang Indonesia?
- Currently, several partners from our company are from the food industry, modern bakery, catering restaurants, special outlets, hotels, home industries, online resellers, and cake ingredient stores.
- Can I do a direct purchase to the warehouse?
- It is recommended not to come directly to the warehouse, but first to place an order through our sales team or call center via email, phone, or WhatsApp. After the product stock availability checked and payment transactions, goods can be delivered to the address or pick up at the warehouse.
- Can I place an order collectively with different delivery addresses?
- Yes, you can still order goods even with different shipping addresses. We will make adjustments on the delivery timing and conditions related to shipping costs.
- My company already has special provisions regarding vendors including payment transaction schedules. Can my order be shipped first with a later payment?
- Certainly. After making a COD (Cash on Delivery) or CBD (Cash Before Delivery) transaction during the specified time period, you can apply for a maximum spending limit through our sales team according to the agreed-upon payment deadline.